Saturday, December 26, 2009

Nerdy Eagle

I found out that people actually said I was a nerd and an eagle last time.

Even till now, I was never a person to judge others based on looks.
I refrained myself from discussions denouncing the appearance of others to the level of an animal. Its just something i felt not relevant.

Its just unfair to ignore the feelings of others like that, by judging them based on the outlook.

But much to my chagrin,
I was also a victim

I know I look like a nerd with my thick glasses concealing my small beady eyes and I look like an eagle with my screwed-up eyebrows

But hey,
I'm not an object for you to laugh at.
I mean if its so funny to laugh at my face, look at your own.
I bet it will be funnier

People like you who are ugly both in the inside and the outside;
You should just get a mirror and laugh at your own revolting face all day long

I thought I was invisible.
Guess I'm wrong after all
I still fit in one of those conversations meant to condemn looks

That was last time

I dont know how nerdy or eagle-ish I am now.
Maybe you should compare your own face with mine now, and determine which is nerdier? ;)

Let me justify my point here
If you were to insult the physical of others, I strongly suggest you look into the mirror before giving any snide remarks
You may not have any feelings, but others do.
So please respect them

PS : I honestly felt that those who used to diss me are in no position to comment too if I were to judge them physically

11 Rhapsodies:

thuan jee said...

ren arrrr, u were like posting it everywhere... btw, sum1 told me u"re cute 2day... haha, dowan tell hu is that la.. u"re handsome n yeng now, don care about the pass la... build confidence in urself.. let ppl say wateva they wan... alot of ppl says i"m fat n bla bla bla.. it used to hurt me last time... but now no more, if that person says me... that fellar sure kena shoot like hell.. n this is 1 of the reason i turned into wat u all called DIVA.. cuz its time to teach those ppl hu ejek me last time a lesson...

thuan jee said...


TttTaAaA ™ ツ said...

woohoo~ way to go!
I'm on your side..
shame on them...shameee on them~
btw i like your eye brows =)

C. Ren said...

haha thanks
i feel ok now la
but dont need to cook up stories like that to cheer me up la ok?
i know your tactics la TJ, LOL
thanks anyway

yea, lol
i agree i ws very nerdy last time. But they dont need say until so teruk ma. I never hurt them also, but hurt me pulak =.="
thanks anyway! you're a pal =)

kalai_klosesgi said...

chong ren rocks...

kok leong said...

huh? watfak? u nerd?
pls la.
lolx, i still remember how u eat ur bun la. *u can ask boon chin if he remember or not* and i have the photo with me. wan me to upload it? hehe

o7~PunkDog~7o said...

When I saw ur post I thought it was a poem or something cause the way you write it was like one. When I read it, I keep thinking is this really about you... Nerdie and Eagle-ish? Why would people say that about you when it is clearly not true?

Don't be so down about the eagle part ok... Eagles are beautiful, magnificent, handsome and majestic creatures! Strong and bold! I love them n they have been a fascination of mine since young. I'm an animal lover lol.

People used to call me baby elephant or baby seal... Even now, my own mum would say I look like a baby elephant n my grandmother would say I'm a fat pig. Surely u don't forget those stupid idiots in my college. They say people like me are monsters.

I would rather be an animal than be like them!

C. Ren said...

thanks kalai

kok, some bunch of girls said it last time lo. Oi. dont la. dahlah u upload the prunes one already. HAHA

thanks a lot ya =)
actually i'm not hurt by it. I just want state my opinion that people should really look into the mirror before labelling others. Even if they look good, it does not give them the right to judge others too

Btw steph, i think these girls are your classmates XD

Lexi Rose V. said...

lolz I like da way you think :D :D :D :D :D

o7~PunkDog~7o said...

Lol! Totally agree wit you... :D

thuan jee said...

isk! this is called i merendahkan diri sendiri so u can be happy mah.. lol..